It only takes a reminder to breathe, a moment to be still …
“It only takes a reminder to breathe,
a moment to be still, and just like that, something in me settles, softens, makes space for imperfection. The harsh voice of judgment drops to a whisper and I remember again that life isn’t a relay race; that we will all cross the finish line; that waking up to life is what we were born for. As many times as I forget, catch myself charging forward without even knowing where I’m going, that many times I can make the choice to stop, to breathe, and be, and walk slowly into the mystery.”
Danna Faulds
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Hello dear Ones
I can’t believe that it’s that time of year again. And that this time last year was the last time I wrote to you! Some of you are new here – it’s wonderful to have you in our “Mindful Health and Wellness Tribe” – where we all live in the real and rushing world. But we’re empowering ourselves bit by bit, day by day, to live lives that are lighter. More joyful. With more gratitude. And more vulnerability. More honesty. Which somehow, somewhat magically, leads us to more freedom and deep connection. Continue reading
A Reminder to Breathe
This blog came upon me unexpectedly. As I find they so often do. The seed is planted and then it seems to grow very quickly and organically. Authentically. This one was planted just this morning as I prepared for, and presented, my weekly Mindful Moment. There were lots of Spring Shedders on the call and I wove in the relevance of the Spring Shed time astronomically and astrologically. And then I started preparing a short written piece for the Spring Shed portal to accompany the recording. But this short piece just grew and grew. And then as I was writing it, I realised it was not just being written for the Spring Shedders. It was being written for you dear One. Because you need to know this too. Because it’s important. Continue reading
Are you ready to Shed your S#@!?
I know that I certainly am. As spring arrives, I’m ready to feel lighter. I’m ready to shed some puffiness. I’m ready to shed a persistent blocked nose. I’m ready to shed winter lethargy. I’m ready to shed the excuses.
But it’s too hard on my own. I cut out dairy and then find myself having a cappuccino. I decide to do a morning routine and then find myself rushing into the day without pausing to ground myself. I decide to decrease my sugar and it all goes well until 4pm when I find myself reaching for the chocolate coated digestive biscuits. A few times.
And so, we designed the Spring Shed. And we hope you will join us. Continue reading
It’s been my winter and I’m Stepping into Spring! I hope you’ll step with me!
When I last wrote earlier this year in May, I wrote about having “been in my winter” – my time of darkness, of heaviness and of retreating from the world. When you’re in winter it feels hard and like there is no end in sight. Sometimes we feel stuck in winter “forever”. That’s how I felt. But I’m learning to understand that this is a feeling. It’s a very real feeling but feelings are just that – feelings. They are not the truth. Continue reading
We got Covid. Just last week. And it was very unexpected. One wonders how it can be unexpected in a time when it’s all around us and it’s on everyone’s lips and constantly in our thoughts. But we thought we’d had it when we went skiing in France in January 2020– we returned full of flu – so much so that our children missed their first 3 days of school. And we went to our GP for help. Continue reading
Was your mother good enough?
With Mother’s Day today, most have us are reflecting on our own mothers, and the kind of mothering which we received. And if we are mothers, whether we are “good enough” mothers ourselves – this blog is one I wrote and sent out 2 years ago and I’d like to repost today. But first a poignant passage by Dr Christiane Northrup in her empowering book “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” …
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It’s been a year …
It has been a year since South Africa and the world went into lockdown.
A year ago I wrote the blog The Power of Stepping Away. I feel the same today, and these are the practices that our family use to stay sane and well at this time. This time last year was a very scary time. We were uncertain of what was to come. The forecast by SACEMA was that approximately 375 000 people would die in a few months in South Africa. At the moment we stand at 51 421 in over a year. Continue reading
Letter to Schools and School Heads
To whom it may concern
Thank you for your time in meeting with us today. As stated, our main concerns are:
- There are harsher measures for mask wearing in schools than most other work environments, with children having to wear masks for 8 – 15 hours a day especially in boarding house environments, despite children being shown to be low transmitters and only mildly affected and despite the strict measures put in place at schools with health declarations, sanitisation, social distanced seating etc.
- Mental health concerns have been shown to be a far greater risk for children at this time with extended long term negative consequences for them. The prolonged wearing of masks has been shown in multiple studies (linked below) to exacerbate these mental health issues. There are also multiple other health concerns linked to prolonged mask usage that are also of great concern to us.
- There are no scientific or research studies on which the mask mandate is based. At best there is no evidence that prolonged mask usage is helpful in curbing the spread of a virus (see below). At worst there are multiple studies and experiments to reflect that it is in fact Who is taking responsibility and liability for these decisions to mask children for hours on end? When does this end? When can we take off our masks? We cannot just keep them on because we are fearful – this is magical thinking, doing something because we “want to believe” it helps and yet there is so science to back it.
- We realise that government has to change the mask mandate, but schools have a lot more leeway for interpretation as we explore below. Our request is for children to be allowed to take down their masks when seated at their desks as we are allowed to when we sit at restaurants and coffee shops. The medical advisors to the MAC have seen it fit for us to do this – why can children not do this is the classroom?
- We thank you for taking this seriously. Our children’s lives and health sit in your hands. This is an enormous responsibility – we cannot follow blindly. We have to question. We have to research. We have to do what we can.
My toolkit for survival
Hello friends
As I sit down to write today I realised how long it’s been since I last wrote. I, like you, have been trying to navigate this world in which we find ourselves. I don’t want to say “our new normal” as there is nothing “normal” about it. But we are certainly all in a state of grief – many of us have lost loved ones recently, many of us are worried about family and friends who are ill, and all of us are longing for a time when we could sit in a packed theatre and watch a show, walk on the beach, move around without sanitisers and masks, and our children could easily and freely go to school and sport.
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